Кількість сторінок
Рік видання
130x200 мм
389 грн.
Немає у постачальника
- Самовивіз у м. Київ (м. Почайна) - безкоштовно
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- Замовлення до 799 грн. - 75 грн.
- Замовлення від 799 грн. - безкоштовно.
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- Замовлення до 499 грн. - 40 грн.
- Замовлення від 499 грн. - безкоштовно.
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Повідомити про надходження
What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast is a powerful book about high productivity from bestselling author Laura Vanderkam. We're all busy. But we all waste time. What are the secrets of using every hour productively? How do the most successful people spend their time? In this brilliant accessible book, Laura Vanderkam inspires you to rethink your morning routine and jump-start your day. If you use your mornings wisely, you can build habits that will lead to a happier, more productive life. She also helps you to rethink your weekends. She explains why doing nothing can be more exhausting than doing something, how to balance work and play, and why Sunday nights are crucial. Finally she challenges you to make the most of your time at the office. Focusing on matching your to-do list to your natural body clock, she shows you how to maximize your productivity so you can accomplish more in less time. By blending stories of fascinating people with cutting-edge scientific research, Vanderkam shows us how to maximize our valuable mornings, make the most of our working hours, and enjoy the results with deeply satisfying weekends. Laura Vanderkam is the author of 168 Hours and All the Money in the World. Her work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, CBS MoneyWatch, USA Today, and Fortune, among others.
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